I want to be seen ;)

I want to be seen! Laugh, be an extrovert, talk with others, tell your happy moments, and you will be seen. That’s how my mind is trained to do everything, but is it really how I want to be seen? My heart says cry, share your emotions, speak up—not just the happy moments but alsoContinue reading “I want to be seen ;)”

Blog-2 Nutrition and special diets

Gluten-free diet is a diet which does not include protein but includes wheat, barley and rye. The one having problem eating gluten food generally causes celiac diseases. The one who eats gluten causes damage to their body like villi and if your villi is injured the small nutrients can’t absorb nutrient from the food. TheContinue reading “Blog-2 Nutrition and special diets”

Blog-1 Proteins and credible/noncredible website

Having proper nutrient is the best thing for your body. One topic that interest me the most is proteins. I am more interested in it because it is the most important nutrient which participate in every part of the cell and also by maintaining the structure of the body. Protein comes under the category ofContinue reading “Blog-1 Proteins and credible/noncredible website”

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