My First Car <3

How to describe this? Like Idk where to start from but yes I have got my own car with the money that I have earned day and night working hardly. All those sleepless overnights and day to night jobs seems all worth it today. Should I cry? Or should I be soooo happy that I should dance? Idk!!! But yes this seems so different and new. Like, suddenly I have become old enough to take this step. My mom and dad are so happy and so am I!

Coming here to Selkrik, Manitoba was so different for me and also so new. Tbh! It is bit difficult to live here and luckily I found a nice place to live in and the people with whom I live with are so nice they have literally helped me a lot. And specially with buying this car. They are the one who took me to Winnipeg 2-3 times to look for all the cars. Moreover, it was so difficult to find one particular car with all the needs I had. But luckily I found one and I am so happy and grateful to them.

I can say I am surviving and I’ll be strong enough to survive in this small town. It is difficult but this days shall soon and I might return back to Toronto where I am more happy and where it feels more like family with all my friends and cousins.

Getting car is like getting freedom. No doubt I like to be alone sometimes and listen to music with long drives and I got all in one together. Now, I don’t have to ask people to take me somewhere if I want to do something.

So, at last I just want to say that I am happy here and to give this happiness some more adventure I have got a Car now which I can happily call mine. :)))

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