Books: My Best Friend<3

I always used to question myself, since when I got so into books?? And I used to get the same answer from my mind “Since I started valuing myself”.

It all started with my school friend introducing me to the world of books. She used to write and read a lot. Once I remember I asked her to tell me about books and to suggest me some and there she suggested me this book called Marry me stranger. I started reading this book as slowly and gradually I got addicted to it. I used to read them during lectures after school like whole day. There was total 3 parts of this book and I became engaged to it more and more. Also, I used to see my sister reading lots of books at that time I was so small and never realised why she used to read this much. Now that I have started reading, I just remember her and get motivated by how she used to read.

Now, it has been almost 3 years since books have become my best friend. They help me to spend my day peacefully. One thing I have learned from this book is patience I was someone who used to get angry easily, but books have made me lot calmer than I have ever imagined. It is like sometimes all you need is a good book and good place. I can say that m more into fiction and self-help books. Fiction because I live in a dream world like I imagine lot of things. Fun fact I can say that there is no single day that I have not seen a dream. It has been said that one whose mind is surrounded everywhere get lots of dreams. Self-help books because I like to read philosophical and success story books.

Sometimes book convey feelings which even words cannot. There is simple logic to this, when we want some advice, but you feel like there is no one read books I am damn sure they will advice you something which even human being cannot.

If you feel like books are boring than you have not yet experience the book world my friend. I am for sure if you start reading book on loop you will want to read more and more. To be honest I do not like studying but I don’t know how I love to read books like some books are so like studies for example I have read this book name “Start-up your restaurant by Bala Priya and Jayanth Narayana” in this book they help us how to and what to do before and after starting your own restaurant. There are many such books which I will let you know at the end of this blog.

Have you ever experienced the world from some other person’s perspective? Books are something that show me that there is many different thinking in the world. I am not saying that the way they show are always right but sometimes our negative way to live the world changes because of that.

Some books allow us to feel whatever way we want they allow us to feel the emotions. They teach us that it is ok to feel sad and helpless sometimes but as the same way they also help us to laugh out loud they teach us to find happiness in small things.

Some of my personal favourite books I would like to suggest to you all.

Fiction Books:

  • Marry me stranger (All 3 parts) by Novoneel Chakraborty
  • Everyone has a story by Savi Sharma
  • You were my crush: Till you said you love me! By Durjoy Datta
  • Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
  • Like it Happened Yesterday by Ravinder Singh
  • Fault in our stars by John Green

Non-Fiction Books:

  • Good vibes Good life by Vex King
  • How to get from where you are where you want to be by Jack Canfield
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
  • The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
  • Think like a Monk by Jay Shetty
  • Ikigai by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia.

At last, I would like to tell you all is for once let yourself surrounded by books you will fall in love with them.

11 thoughts on “Books: My Best Friend<3

  1. Indeed
    I’m still not into books much but i can say & learn from your view & experience that books can be your best of friend to help you in every day chores to meeting your dreams
    Thank you for sharing this
    Keep growing you beautiful ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t think you are blog writers..but good start up..keep rocking and Full fill your all dreams..come through.always my best wishes and all support to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I Don’t think you are writing a blog..but you prove me wrong every time .i am so much Happy to read this blog.keep going sky is limit.i prey god to fulfill your all dreams.chodna mat likhna chalu rakhna.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’ve done an incredible job, I totally agree with your words. Once you read a really interesting book, you keep reading thereafter: there’s no going back. Ikigai & The power of your subconscious mind are the most effective ones. I’d suggest you to have a corner of books at your future restaurant, keep writing, keep growing; best wishes 👍

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I totally agree with your words as reading books is one of my favourite thing also. You have said it right that books can be your best friend i appreciate your idea of looking for books.
    Keep growing ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Definitely! One of the best things to do to rejuvenate oneself. I totally agree with your words girl. Keep growing❤️ Waiting for your next blog😍

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This indeed is a very well written blog, well im not a bookish person but your words did made me wonder of being one…..definitely starting one of your suggestion ✨♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Loved this blog!♥️
    Definitely as an bibliophile I know how much a good book can influence who your are.
    Looking forward to read more blogs by you ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Omg! My baby girl, though you are not a blogger but you are still doing an amazing job 🙂 keep doing, keep growing..All the best my love!

    Liked by 1 person

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