Banana Oats Pancakes

Trying out new foods is something I love the most and everyone very well know that during lockdown days more than 80% of people have tried out new recipes at home. I am one of the person who have tried tons of recipes. One recipe which I remembered making it for the first time and which I love the most was healthy Banana Oats Pancakes.

During lockdown everyone was at home and became health conscious. I was one of them who started focusing more on health during those days.

I remember making healthy eating chart and following them everyday. Also I have stated in one of my soup blog where I made Almond Broccoli Soup that it was my first time trying them and taste of that soup was really amazing. So that are the days when I decided to make healthy breakfast. This recipe I came up through pinterest and it was very simple to make.


  • 1 cup rolled Oats
  • 1 Banana (chopped)
  • 1 ½ tbsp Yogurt
  • ¼ Butter Milk
  • 2tbsp Oil
  • 1tsp Honey
  • 1tsp Baking Powder
  • Salt
  • Oil


  • Mix all the ingredients in grinder bowl and grind them.
  • Now the batter is ready.
  • Take one pan and make round pancakes.
  • You can also add topping (Maple Syrup).

Honey and Maple syrup added on top gives sweet taste to the recipe, sour taste is generally been given by Yogurt whereas salty taste comes by Oats and Oil. However we cannot see Umami taste (the one which gives sensory cells or savory taste). But the mixture of all this taste makes the batter perfect.

There is generally no smell of the pancakes but the syrup (topping) gives the sweet smell to the pancakes and when you touch it the texture is very soft and fluffy.

This food is unique because first thing it is very easy to make and only in few ingredients. After tasting we can notice that healthy food can actually turn into tasty food.

What I learned from this recipe is that weather you are good cook or not you can easily make this by just mixing and grinding. I just loved this food because I think desert is something which is loved by everybody and that also if it is healthy that is the best thing one can have for breakfast and I think I will definitely try it again.

I ask my mother and brother to try it out and the reaction I got was really amazing. My mother said that the taste of the pancakes was very satisfying and she have got the new recipe for her breakfast. My brother is the person who never easily tries new recipe but was so happy with this taste. He liked the sensation of banana.

I guess making it a bit unhealthy is allowed so when I made this recipe again this time I had topped with chocolate syrup from the top to get more amazing taste.

This experience has changed the way I think for healthy food. Including me people have that thought in mind that healthy food are not  tasty but I guess everyone should atleast try out this recipe once and change their mind forever.

One thought on “Banana Oats Pancakes

  1. I’ll try to make this banana oats pancakes for myself when I’ll in canada while I’m not good chef like u but…your blogs will be very helpful for me keep posting new recepies and yes u were looking gorgeous in those specs which u bought , I can’t admire that time as my elder brother with me …. best of luck 👍 and have a safe journey for u and your friend


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