Blog-2 Nutrition and special diets

Gluten-free diet is a diet which does not include protein but includes wheat, barley and rye. The one having problem eating gluten food generally causes celiac diseases.

The one who eats gluten causes damage to their body like villi and if your villi is injured the small nutrients can’t absorb nutrient from the food.

The main reason for having a gluten-free diet is celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, wheat allergy kind of components but also people do not eat gluten for health benefits like weight loss or for their healthy diet.

Challenges people face in diet are:

  • Lack of nutrition (proteins, vitamins, B12)
  • Weight gain
  • Increase type 2 diabetes risk

Benefits of  following gluten-free are:

  • Someone with gluten sensitivity can improve their gastrointestinal problem.
  • Gluten-free products are easily available.
  • Helps to cure diarrhea and constipation.

In Canada, some of the most common food allergens are peanuts, soy, fish etc.

If I ever experienced a client with more than one or more food allergy:

  • I will first ensure his/her health statues.
  • I will check the food they are consuming so that I can know from where the allergy is been started.
  • I will ensure that there is no allergen by looking at the specifics of the product.

The best gluten-free recipe I can have is Broccoli Almond soup.

Ingredients needed for soup are:

  • 250g Broccoli
  • 150g Onion
  • 2 cup Water
  • 2tbsp of Cornflour
  • 2tsp Black pepper
  • 1tsp Salt
  • 7-8 pieces of Almond

Steps are mentioned below:

  • Cut the broccoli and onion into small uneven pieces.
  • Add vegetables into sauce pan.
  • Add water and turn on the stove.
  • Then add spices and cornflour.
  • Cover them with lid.
  • Let them cook until the vegetables gets boiled.
  • Add them into grinder and grind them.
  • Put them again into stove for final heating.
  • Add slices of almond into the soup.
  • Then the soup is ready for plating.

The only challenge which I faced while making broccoli was grinding hot soup. But after all it was a great success for me. I learned some of the delicious healthy eating and I think I can add this in my future culinary field for some healthy lifestyle. Everyone should definitely try this out once.


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