Blog-1 Proteins and credible/noncredible website

Having proper nutrient is the best thing for your body. One topic that interest me the most is proteins.

I am more interested in it because it is the most important nutrient which participate in every part of the cell and also by maintaining the structure of the body.

Protein comes under the category of macro molecules which will play an important role in future by adding certain food qualities to them.

For example – When we wisk egg it forms a bubbly texture to the recipe. Generally people uses eggs to make cake more uniform.

Food safety news is a credible website which was created by Bill Marler in 2009 to prove that lawyers can be your nutrition friends.

This website shows you a complete list of each state or restaurant in your area that are safe. It also helps you to indicate the foods which are legal and illegal.

Bill Marler also known as Willian Marler is an American personal injury lawyer and food safety advocate. He got educated from Seattle University Law Sall and Washington state university.

There are some of the website that gives false information like in America website name Natural News. How can a disease that was eliminated two decade ago can come back even if the vaccine is proven to be safe and elective.

Natural news is a science based health advocacy organization led by Advist-turned-scientist Mike Adams, the health ranges.

Natural news cover the news about the information related to chemicals found in food, heavy metals, synthetic chemicals, children toys and other items.

Americans who use to search for health information use to come across the name such as greenmedinfo and health holistic living who use to present themselves by giving false cures to the people.

Natural news was created by Michael Scott Adams also known as Mike Adams who was born on October 30 1964- July 23 2020 he was an American political columnist writer and professor of criminology. He became known by his outspoken opinion and frequently attracting controversy. He studied from San Jacinto College and Mississippi State University.


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